
come on , fuck this world .

"If I Die Young"
  - The Band Perry - 
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh, uh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

And I'll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger,
I've never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand,
There's a boy here in town who says he'll love me forever,
Who would have thought forever could be severed by

The sharp knife of a short life, well,
I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh (uh, oh)
The ballad of a dove (uh, oh)
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls


dead walk .

真的找不到一个可以信任的人吗 ?
 真的没有吗 ?
sucks .

我想找一个很好的朋友可以陪我聊天  ,
张嘉玉 :B
 我跟他讲电话 可以破2个小时 :3
 我们有讲过要破3个小时 :目
可是 我们没有破到 

 明年、我的粉红 还有 白色 要转校了 ,
 现在没有了 ,
fuck .

 我有去 马六甲 倒数2012 ,
 可是 你们应该不能去吧 ?
 没有巴士 .
Vibb Vibb Vibb .

2012 Alien assault .
fuck ya .

gosh .开始在胡言乱语

hey , dude .
 在我 unfriend 你过后 ,
 我真的对你很 wtf .

gummy ? Love .
who can buy for me , fuck .
eh , best friends , buy for me weih .


harlo , faker ,
im your friend too .

mind intro ?


bad mood , fuck .
sucks , fuck ,
fake world ,
everybody lies .
fuck fuck fuck .


21.11.2011 wished dad a birthday .

Okie ,21.11.2011 
daddy b'day .

emm , 
因为我的头脑没有酱聪明 想不到更好的办法
所以、就像你所看到的这样 :S

Ohya , done it .
awesome loh ;p

Okie , paint it . Then , YES !

nerd eyes , fuck . Zz
ya , finished <3

cacat words Zz

YO ! By Jeaneng :B

Next , we used this ....

and their hands ;3

 to make this  ! :D

Finished ! <3
world's best daddy , hands down ! ;B

Another ..
concentrated :o

Okie , turn me :目

OHYEAH , Finished !

cause Jean-V and I gave iPHONE4 case (bought from Apple Jumpaway) and Heineken to my dad.
So , i drawed inside our 'art' ; /

YES ! Done it . gosh  \ 口 /

Jean-V is drawing a beer and words-' Cheers on your birthday , dad !'
But failed , and she wrote some greetings for dad ; /
*tak ada art skill ;p  (i know you're seeing my blog , jean-v :目)


emm , the works we have failed :S
By Jeaneng -o-

Jean Sean -3- 
*walao , my name also write wrong . fuck ya .

Er Liang -8-
太过有艺术感了、看不懂 -3-


Okie , finish .
Thanks and NEXT POST - 那些年 我的NERD样 X目

im back ;p

my brother bought it , 59.90 . Whao ! his own money o口o
fantastic ; /

and ... i played with him , and shooted this video :D


Wedding , wear this clothes again :)
海天楼 :B
 Omgosh , didn't have any picture with the youngest sister :S
pattern -.-


and Next Post - 21.11.2011 Daddy b'day

my feelings not important , right ?

ya ,  confess here . 
When im upset , fucking bad mood , or something like  negative thoughts .
i will write my post with my o0o  poor english .
Sorry :) or you have to get out here ? :)

emm ..a few hours ago ,
i went to see you all de blog :)
yeap , my best friends OR person who i care her .
Haih , really got a little bit sad lah .

for someone such as very best friend , emm...
ya , (in the surface :S)she is my best friend .. ;/
i see something , oh no ,
din have me :(

little bit bad mood ,

so , i just have AN OPINION .
emm... finish .
jerk .

NOW 2:18AM , LOL .


fml , very very much .

 fuckyou , very very very very very much .

Fuck , 如果我在洪家是男的
我就爽了 !
我不用做家务、我不用洗碗 我不用收衣服
我不用煮饭  我不必装水 我不用丢垃圾
我不必喷蚊油 不用开冷气
我不用拿饭给大人吃 。
姐姐讲我 我打她 再推卸责任 我爽
她被打 我只是被骂罢了 ;p

每天只是要拍一点马屁就好了 ;3
我还可以给他们 上上下下的人疼 :D
我可以开电脑  我爽就好
 我可以玩电脑 没有人会吊我
爽吗 ?

真爽 , :DDDD

 下一世给我做男的吧 :)
拜托 .


Life | Sucks .
you , sucks .



Hey yo ,
now i'm preparing my father birthday card and something ;o

Emm... hope you all can just stay tuned for this blog .
 Thanks , Lovessss .
Sorry ,  long time didn't update any post .





谁要买初一的书? 找我.

帮忙我问别人 , 谢了 ! ;D


fucking holiday , bored .



Harlo , here were some picture on last sunday ;p
3love BBQ Cathering .

Enjoy :)

Reached Carol's house , damn big -.-

我第一次没有咧嘴笑 :D

Friendship  OvO

宗权在看Apple , LOL .

Jump over your head ;p

Carol's father :o

他拿的另一盘是我的、虽然他很大吃 ;p

我们是绿组 ,我们要找的是绿色的纸飞机 。

We're buddy ;D

All picture captured by :     D.Kyle 

我告诉你们、初三爱的男生 全部很Gentlemen的
不可以对着火 烤吃的
他们会主动帮我们的 ‘ 来啦、我帮你烤 .’
bobian 、初三爱很有爱心的 :o

诶 想办法靠我们班的其中一个都很幸福了 ,


晚上、11点 还没有回
然后他们就玩扑克牌 叫 《杀手》

够好玩 、 这个要靠演技的
K means KILLER 
A means POLICE
Q、J、1~10 means CIVILIANS


如果你是K or A

然后就要靠你的Act  Skill

means killer 要你旁边的人的手 
很像你要杀你5个 你就按5下
然后 Police 就要观察 谁是Killer 
没有人知道谁是Police & Killer
玩到最后 Police 如果知道谁是Killer 
或者Killer 按别人的手时不小心传到 Police 的手
Police 要翻牌 然后指出谁是Killer 或继续观察
Police 只有2次机会可以抓 Killer

还有Killer 按手的时候 
最后一个被按到的 人 要翻牌
如果你是平民 你就了 
你就不能手拉手 要到下一Round 才可以玩 


我有时候 不是Killer or Police 
我就Act 到我是Killer 

我只有拿过 K 没有拿过 A 
没有办法  我很厉害演戏 :o
我应该进戏剧学会  ;3

很好玩 -3- 


 Cheer , J3LOVE


come on , fuck this world .

"If I Die Young"
  - The Band Perry - 
If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a, bed of roses
Sink me in the river, at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh, uh oh

Lord make me a rainbow, I'll shine down on my mother
She'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors, oh and
Life ain't always what you think it ought to be, no
Ain't even grey, but she buries her baby

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

And I'll be wearing white, when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger,
I've never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand,
There's a boy here in town who says he'll love me forever,
Who would have thought forever could be severed by

The sharp knife of a short life, well,
I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done

A penny for my thoughts, oh no, I'll sell them for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin'

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

Uh oh (uh, oh)
The ballad of a dove (uh, oh)
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
Save them for a time when you're really gonna need them, oh

The sharp knife of a short life, well
I've had just enough time

So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls


dead walk .

真的找不到一个可以信任的人吗 ?
 真的没有吗 ?
sucks .

我想找一个很好的朋友可以陪我聊天  ,
张嘉玉 :B
 我跟他讲电话 可以破2个小时 :3
 我们有讲过要破3个小时 :目
可是 我们没有破到 

 明年、我的粉红 还有 白色 要转校了 ,
 现在没有了 ,
fuck .

 我有去 马六甲 倒数2012 ,
 可是 你们应该不能去吧 ?
 没有巴士 .
Vibb Vibb Vibb .

2012 Alien assault .
fuck ya .

gosh .开始在胡言乱语

hey , dude .
 在我 unfriend 你过后 ,
 我真的对你很 wtf .

gummy ? Love .
who can buy for me , fuck .
eh , best friends , buy for me weih .


harlo , faker ,
im your friend too .

mind intro ?


bad mood , fuck .
sucks , fuck ,
fake world ,
everybody lies .
fuck fuck fuck .


21.11.2011 wished dad a birthday .

Okie ,21.11.2011 
daddy b'day .

emm , 
因为我的头脑没有酱聪明 想不到更好的办法
所以、就像你所看到的这样 :S

Ohya , done it .
awesome loh ;p

Okie , paint it . Then , YES !

nerd eyes , fuck . Zz
ya , finished <3

cacat words Zz

YO ! By Jeaneng :B

Next , we used this ....

and their hands ;3

 to make this  ! :D

Finished ! <3
world's best daddy , hands down ! ;B

Another ..
concentrated :o

Okie , turn me :目

OHYEAH , Finished !

cause Jean-V and I gave iPHONE4 case (bought from Apple Jumpaway) and Heineken to my dad.
So , i drawed inside our 'art' ; /

YES ! Done it . gosh  \ 口 /

Jean-V is drawing a beer and words-' Cheers on your birthday , dad !'
But failed , and she wrote some greetings for dad ; /
*tak ada art skill ;p  (i know you're seeing my blog , jean-v :目)


emm , the works we have failed :S
By Jeaneng -o-

Jean Sean -3- 
*walao , my name also write wrong . fuck ya .

Er Liang -8-
太过有艺术感了、看不懂 -3-


Okie , finish .
Thanks and NEXT POST - 那些年 我的NERD样 X目

im back ;p

my brother bought it , 59.90 . Whao ! his own money o口o
fantastic ; /

and ... i played with him , and shooted this video :D


Wedding , wear this clothes again :)
海天楼 :B
 Omgosh , didn't have any picture with the youngest sister :S
pattern -.-


and Next Post - 21.11.2011 Daddy b'day

my feelings not important , right ?

ya ,  confess here . 
When im upset , fucking bad mood , or something like  negative thoughts .
i will write my post with my o0o  poor english .
Sorry :) or you have to get out here ? :)

emm ..a few hours ago ,
i went to see you all de blog :)
yeap , my best friends OR person who i care her .
Haih , really got a little bit sad lah .

for someone such as very best friend , emm...
ya , (in the surface :S)she is my best friend .. ;/
i see something , oh no ,
din have me :(

little bit bad mood ,

so , i just have AN OPINION .
emm... finish .
jerk .

NOW 2:18AM , LOL .


fml , very very much .

 fuckyou , very very very very very much .

Fuck , 如果我在洪家是男的
我就爽了 !
我不用做家务、我不用洗碗 我不用收衣服
我不用煮饭  我不必装水 我不用丢垃圾
我不必喷蚊油 不用开冷气
我不用拿饭给大人吃 。
姐姐讲我 我打她 再推卸责任 我爽
她被打 我只是被骂罢了 ;p

每天只是要拍一点马屁就好了 ;3
我还可以给他们 上上下下的人疼 :D
我可以开电脑  我爽就好
 我可以玩电脑 没有人会吊我
爽吗 ?

真爽 , :DDDD

 下一世给我做男的吧 :)
拜托 .


Life | Sucks .
you , sucks .



Hey yo ,
now i'm preparing my father birthday card and something ;o

Emm... hope you all can just stay tuned for this blog .
 Thanks , Lovessss .
Sorry ,  long time didn't update any post .





谁要买初一的书? 找我.

帮忙我问别人 , 谢了 ! ;D


fucking holiday , bored .



Harlo , here were some picture on last sunday ;p
3love BBQ Cathering .

Enjoy :)

Reached Carol's house , damn big -.-

我第一次没有咧嘴笑 :D

Friendship  OvO

宗权在看Apple , LOL .

Jump over your head ;p

Carol's father :o

他拿的另一盘是我的、虽然他很大吃 ;p

我们是绿组 ,我们要找的是绿色的纸飞机 。

We're buddy ;D

All picture captured by :     D.Kyle 

我告诉你们、初三爱的男生 全部很Gentlemen的
不可以对着火 烤吃的
他们会主动帮我们的 ‘ 来啦、我帮你烤 .’
bobian 、初三爱很有爱心的 :o

诶 想办法靠我们班的其中一个都很幸福了 ,


晚上、11点 还没有回
然后他们就玩扑克牌 叫 《杀手》

够好玩 、 这个要靠演技的
K means KILLER 
A means POLICE
Q、J、1~10 means CIVILIANS


如果你是K or A

然后就要靠你的Act  Skill

means killer 要你旁边的人的手 
很像你要杀你5个 你就按5下
然后 Police 就要观察 谁是Killer 
没有人知道谁是Police & Killer
玩到最后 Police 如果知道谁是Killer 
或者Killer 按别人的手时不小心传到 Police 的手
Police 要翻牌 然后指出谁是Killer 或继续观察
Police 只有2次机会可以抓 Killer

还有Killer 按手的时候 
最后一个被按到的 人 要翻牌
如果你是平民 你就了 
你就不能手拉手 要到下一Round 才可以玩 


我有时候 不是Killer or Police 
我就Act 到我是Killer 

我只有拿过 K 没有拿过 A 
没有办法  我很厉害演戏 :o
我应该进戏剧学会  ;3

很好玩 -3- 


 Cheer , J3LOVE

Pinky Design Pointer